超大型巨人わからないことをわかりやすく納得のいくまで説明してくれる、信頼できる美容師さんです。仕上がりもとても満足です。 (Translated by Google) He is a reliable hairdresser who explains things clearly until...わからないことをわかりやすく納得のいくまで説明してくれる、信頼できる美容師さんです。仕上がりもとても満足です。
(Translated by Google)
He is a reliable hairdresser who explains things clearly until you are satisfied with them. I am very satisfied with the results. -
むらいかずよ希望を聞いていただき、アドバイスもしてもらえたので、希望の髪型になりました (Translated by Google) She listened to my wishes and gave me advice, so I got the hairstyle I wanted.希望を聞いていただき、アドバイスもしてもらえたので、希望の髪型になりました
(Translated by Google)
She listened to my wishes and gave me advice, so I got the hairstyle I wanted. -
安藤啓太いつもお世話になっている美容院ですが、 ほんとにいつも意見をしっかり聞いてくれて、しっかり反映してくれます。いろんなお話も聞いてくれます。これかもずっとお世話になりたいと思ってます。 (Translated by...いつもお世話になっている美容院ですが、
(Translated by Google)
This is a beauty salon that I always visit.
He always listens to my opinions and reflects them properly. They also listen to all kinds of stories. I would like to continue to take care of this as well. -
MAI縮毛矯正とカットをしていただきました。 とっても丁寧で理想のヘアスタイルになりました! (Translated by Google) I had my hair straightened and cut. It turned out to be a very neat and ideal hairstyle!縮毛矯正とカットをしていただきました。
(Translated by Google)
I had my hair straightened and cut.
It turned out to be a very neat and ideal hairstyle! -
全開“ビタミン全開”ビタミンシャンプーが 他店含めた歴代ワースト1位の凄く下手です。まず気持ちよくないし 力加減も撫でてるだけで シャンプーの洗うリズムも悪いです。そんなシャンプーが やたらと長い為 首も痛く シャンプー時間は...シャンプーが 他店含めた歴代ワースト1位の凄く下手です。まず気持ちよくないし 力加減も撫でてるだけで シャンプーの洗うリズムも悪いです。そんなシャンプーが やたらと長い為 首も痛く シャンプー時間は 苦痛でしかなかった。初めて シャンプー早く終わって欲しいと思う経験をしました。担当者は 玉岡さんという人でした。
一生懸命やってくれてる感じがなく、ほんとに良い 美容師になりたいのかな?と 思う技術でした。
あんなシャンプーでは お客逃げますよ
(Translated by Google)
The shampoo is extremely bad, the worst in history, including other stores. First of all, it doesn't feel good, I'm just stroking it with too little force, and I don't have a good rhythm for shampooing. The shampoo was so long that it hurt my neck and the shampooing time was just a pain. For the first time, I had an experience where I wanted the shampoo to finish quickly. The person in charge was Mr. Tamaoka.
I don't feel like she's trying her best, and I wonder if she really wants to be a good hairdresser. It was a technique that made me think.
With shampoo like that, customers will run away. -
ととま大満足でした! 予約の時間に仕事で間に合わなくなったのですが、連絡をしたら待つので来てくださいと言ってくださりカットをしていただけました。 店内はとても綺麗で清潔感に溢れていました。 希望のスタイリ...大満足でした!
(Translated by Google)
I was very satisfied!
I couldn't make it in time for my reservation due to work, but when I contacted them, they told me that they would wait, so I could come and get my hair cut.
The inside of the store was very neat and clean.
When I told her the styling I wanted, she proceeded with a cut that suited my straight hair, and while complying with my wishes, she suppressed the bounce that I always noticed after a haircut, resulting in a natural-looking finish.
The shampoo was very gentle and felt good. -
Takaいつも利用する美容室です! 担当の方は、他店で働いていた時からお世話になっている方で、その時の流行りや、自分に似合うスタイルを教えてくれます。 ヘアカラーは、自分の思い描いていた色にしてくれるので安...いつも利用する美容室です!
(Translated by Google)
This is the beauty salon I always use!
The person in charge has been working with me since I worked at another store, and she will tell me what's trending at the time and what style will suit me.
You can rest assured that your hair color will be the color you envisioned.
Cutting is also very helpful because when I talk to her about what I'm worried about, she tells me how to deal with it and what I recommend. -
伊東雅哲いつもお世話になっている美容院です。 カット、パーマをお願いしてます。仕上がりはいつもお気に入りです。 先日親族も紹介させていただき、カットしていただきました。みんな大満足でした。 確かな技術はも...いつもお世話になっている美容院です。
(Translated by Google)
This is a beauty salon that I always visit.
I'm looking for a cut and perm. The finish is always my favorite.
The other day, I introduced my family to you and they got a haircut. Everyone was very satisfied.
Not only do they have reliable techniques, but all the hairdressers are also really nice, making this a beauty salon that you'll want to visit again.
Thank you for your continued support. -
aya nakanishi自分の「なりたい」を次回まで考え提案してくれて安心出来るし、カラーで本っ当にウルウルツヤツヤになりました!! 毛先まで触りたい髪になってとても嬉しいです!! 次回もお願いいたします! (Translated by ...自分の「なりたい」を次回まで考え提案してくれて安心出来るし、カラーで本っ当にウルウルツヤツヤになりました!!
(Translated by Google)
I can feel at ease knowing that he thinks about what I want to become and makes suggestions until the next time, and the color really made me glow! !
I'm so happy that my hair has become something I want to touch all the way to the ends! !
Thank you again next time! -
伊藤和哉内装もおしゃれでよかったです! (Translated by Google) The interior was stylish and nice!内装もおしゃれでよかったです!
(Translated by Google)
The interior was stylish and nice! -
康博町田大満足な仕上がりですっ^^シャンプーめっちゃいい香りでした!!!! (Translated by Google) I was very satisfied with the result ^^ The shampoo had a really nice scent! ! ! !大満足な仕上がりですっ^^シャンプーめっちゃいい香りでした!!!!
(Translated by Google)
I was very satisfied with the result ^^ The shampoo had a really nice scent! ! ! ! -
M可愛らしい外観です。入るのにワクワクしました!施術も丁寧で、スタッフさんとの会話も楽しいです👍 ̖́- (Translated by Google) It has a cute appearance. I was so excited to go in! The treatments are tho...可愛らしい外観です。入るのにワクワクしました!施術も丁寧で、スタッフさんとの会話も楽しいです👍 ̖́-
(Translated by Google)
It has a cute appearance. I was so excited to go in! The treatments are thorough and I enjoy talking with the staff 👍 ̖́- -
%%自分に合った髪型に仕上げて頂けるのでいつも大満足です!! (Translated by Google) I'm always very satisfied because I can create a hairstyle that suits me! !自分に合った髪型に仕上げて頂けるのでいつも大満足です!!
(Translated by Google)
I'm always very satisfied because I can create a hairstyle that suits me! ! -
はりはり!接客からカットまでとても丁寧で良かったです! 個人的にシャンプーしてもらってる時がめちゃめちゃ気持ちいいです。 (Translated by Google) Everything from customer service to haircut was very polite and...接客からカットまでとても丁寧で良かったです!
(Translated by Google)
Everything from customer service to haircut was very polite and good!
Personally, I feel really good when I get shampooed. -
Akubi 109入口の椅子が可愛かったです。 (Translated by Google) The chairs at the entrance were cute.入口の椅子が可愛かったです。
(Translated by Google)
The chairs at the entrance were cute. -
PSO2パスタとても綺麗で、落ち着いた雰囲気のお店でした。 店員さんも凄く丁寧で、話しやすかったです。またお願いします! (Translated by Google) The shop was very clean and had a calm atmosphere. The clerk was al...とても綺麗で、落ち着いた雰囲気のお店でした。
(Translated by Google)
The shop was very clean and had a calm atmosphere.
The clerk was also very polite and easy to talk to. Thank you again! -
s s可愛らしい感じのお店です。 普通にカラーをしただけで髪がさらさらツルツルになります! とってもおすすめです! (Translated by Google) It's a cute shop. Your hair will become smooth and smooth just by ...可愛らしい感じのお店です。
(Translated by Google)
It's a cute shop.
Your hair will become smooth and smooth just by coloring it!
Highly recommended!